Local (Maps) SEO
Ranking local businesses on maps
80% of all sales occur within 20 miles from home. 40% of all searches have local intent. If you are a brick-and-mortar business with a local reach, being visible in Google+ Local, Bing Places, Yahoo Local, and other online maps will bring you more leads and more traffic to your website - easily.
Ranking Factors for Google+, Bing, and Yahoo Local
Many searches will generate a map at the top of the search engine results. Maps can show 10, 7, 3 or 1 listing. It is "somewhat" easy to appear in the Maps if you follow these steps.
- Claim your business listing with Google Local, Bing Local, Yahoo Local search engines.
- Add/edit your business with the key data providers: Acxiom, infoUSA.
- Add a business profile to the IYPs: YellowPages, SuperPages, InsiderPages.
- Add/edit your profile with the review sites: Yelp, JudysBook, MerchantCircle, Local.com.
- Pimp your profiles by adding logos, photos, videos and content wherever allowed.
- Always add a keyword-rich link back to your website from all profile pages.
- Reviews for your business on Google Local, Yelp. Entice customers to add reviews.
- Distance your busiess is from the geographic center of the city.